
HPV is a virus that usually causes abnormal skin or mucous membrane growths and warts. There are over a hundred types of HPV. Of the types of HPV viruses that cause warts and some can cause different types of cancer. It can stay for days and weeks. Very resistant to changes in pH changes. We with HPV viruses warts that are not software for people with HPV virus usually threaten these, the most important are HPV viruses that are high risk HPV viruses that are faced with a variety of cancers in this disease. Humans cause such things as pharynx and larynx cancer, vaginal cancer, …

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Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB) protein is very potent and very little is required for its toxic effect compared to a synthetic chemical. SEB is very stable and can easily be overproduced, possibly causing system failure and death. Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a common cause of food poisoning, with severe diarrhea, nausea, and intestinal cramps within hours of ingestion. The toxin is quite persistent and may even be active after the infecting bacteria have been killed. It can withstand boiling at 100°C for several minutes. Like all toxins, SEB is commonly found in nature. Very little is known about how SEB occurs in …

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A biological hazard is created by a biological substance that poses a threat to living organisms, primarily involving humans. This can include an example of a microorganism, virus or toxin that can adversely affect human health. A biohazard can also be a substance that is harmful to other living organisms. The main biological hazards in food include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, all of which can have severe health effects on humans and animals. Changes with previous microorganisms can occur during crop growth, harvesting, storage, transportation, post-processing or distribution and lead to serious product and economic problems. Microorganisms are usually identified by genomic analysis (polymerase chain …

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Lampy skin disease (LSD) is a type of goat pox virus that is caused by insect bites in cattle. Skin disease is more common in summer and autumn when there are many mosquitoes and insects. This virus is scientifically known as Capripoxvirus from the Poxviridae family. It was discovered in Southeast Africa in 1929 and then spread to other parts of the world. This viral disease in cattle shows itself as bumps on the skin. The disease causes excessive emaciation (due to unwillingness to eat), temporary or even permanent reduction of milk, reduction or loss of fertility in bulls and female abortions, as well as …

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The 10th National Congress and the 3rd International Congress of Iranian Epidemiology were held by Iran University of Medical Sciences from 8 to 10 December 1402 at Razi International Conference Center, which was attended by 700 participants, professors, doctors, specialists and students from all over the country. Dr. Abdolreza Pazuki, president of Iran University of Medical Sciences and president of the congress, said: “The upcoming congress is an opportunity to examine epidemiology in the past century, challenges ahead in the past century, lessons learned and preparation in this field.” Against future pandemics, the use of new technologies including artificial intelligence, new methods in epidemiology and …

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fowl adenovirus(FAdV) was first reported in Angara Goth, Pakistan in 1987. Also in June 2015, an outbreak of fowl adenovirus occurred in China, causing significant economic damage to the poultry industry.FAdV infections associated with IBH, HHS and GE are reported worldwide and cause significant economic damage in the poultry industry. Various types of vaccines have already been developed and evaluated to control HHS, and several inactive combination vaccines have been developed that have made an important contribution to the poultry industry. The percentage of mortality from Angara disease in unvaccinated half-meat herds and immature maternal herds if accompanied by Newcastle disease and Gam borough disease …

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In 2021, a research paper titled (Identification of genetic and biological characteristics of H7N9 avian influenza viruses after the use of H7N9 poultry vaccine in China) was published, in which it was introduced that the H7N9 avian influenza virus (AIV) that appeared in China caused became. The creation of 5 types of humanized agents and in September 2017 using the H7N9 vaccine in birds from cases to prevent its use. H7N9 strains are highly lethal to chickens and cause mild outbreaks in ducks. The researchers of this article found that the AIV H7N9 isolated in 2019 is antigenically different from the H7N9 vaccine strain, so …

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What happens is that the glucose or blood sugar is very high, by the time you can leave the body, it does not produce any insulin, or the insulin is not produced correctly and in the required amount in the body. There are different types of selection: type 1 and selection, type 2 and selection , Gestational diabetes People with people with special type. They must take any insulin to survive. Patients may forget to inject insulin. Considering this important issue, Stanford has succeeded in developing a drug delivery system based on hydrogel, which eliminates the need for annual drug injections and releases drugs into …

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Undoubtedly, the manufacture of ventilators in Milad Daru Company is one of the best-selling and most practical products in recent years, during an internet survey by the Milad Daru Noor team, the use of portable ventilators at home for the first time in the 1950s It started and is currently one of the safe and successful methods for treating and caring for patients with chronic respiratory and neurological diseases. The results of the surveys show that the use of respiratory equipment such as portable ventilators has increased from 2006 to 2019. The increase in the number of patients with chronic respiratory diseases, the cost of …

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Campylobacter is one of the most common in the world. This disease causes the Diarrhea of and related diseases. According to the investigations, in most cases of campylobacter infection, this bacterium enters the body through medicinal foods. For this reason, you should avoid eating uncooked meat or undercooked meat. Milad Daro Company with a portable Real-Time PCR bag is ready to serve in the food and livestock sectors. What are the symptoms of campylobacter infection? what are the symptoms of campylobacter? Campylobacter disease symptoms usually appear two to five days after a person is infected with this disease. Therefore, symptoms may appear in a person …

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