The different presence of Milad Daru in the third international epidemiology congress and exhibition of Iran University of Medical Sciences

The 10th National Congress and the 3rd International Congress of Iranian Epidemiology were held by Iran University of Medical Sciences from 8 to 10 December 1402 at Razi International Conference Center, which was attended by 700 participants, professors, doctors, specialists and students from all over the country.

Dr. Abdolreza Pazuki, president of Iran University of Medical Sciences and president of the congress, said: “The upcoming congress is an opportunity to examine epidemiology in the past century, challenges ahead in the past century, lessons learned and preparation in this field.” Against future pandemics, the use of new technologies including artificial intelligence, new methods in epidemiology and statistical models, the use of cohort studies, common and important infectious and non-infectious diseases in the country, history in research and social epidemiology.

This congress is also the first conference in the new century after the Covid-19 pandemic, and the main theme of the congress is “Epidemiology, Health and Society: Ahead Challenges in the New Century” with the following themes:

  • Iranian epidemiology achievements in the last century
  • Epidemiology of infectious diseases and preparedness
  • against pandemics Lifestyle and epidemiology of non-communicable diseases
  • Epidemiology of mental disorders and addiction
  • Population challenges and aging epidemiology
  • Disease modeling, artificial intelligence and data science in health
  • New pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions and clinical trials
  • Secondary studies, Cochrane Center of Iran and application of evidence in medicine and public health
  • Epidemiology of injuries and trauma care
  • Registry systems, cohort studies and biobanks
  • Social epidemiology and “health for all”
  • Research governance in the health system and the role of epidemiology

The epidemiology congress exhibition was a special scientific event at the national and international level, which was realized with the support and planning of the honorable CEO of the company, and the company participated as a sponsor in holding this important scientific event. This exhibition was held very enthusiastically, and the good thing about this event was the presence of large pharmaceutical and knowledge-based companies, all of whom have gathered together in this event.

The epidemiology exhibition had several positive points, the fact that companies, technology units and research cores got to know each other more, and a very good communication bridge was formed, and also expert professors and doctors were present in this exhibition and had very good results in the field of treatment. . And the industry happened, as well as important and useful talks about the importance of vaccination and vaccine clinical studies took place in the conference.

We hope that scientific exhibitions in the field of medicine and treatment will be a start for holding an annual exhibition, to create motivation and encouragement, because this event was very valuable for the knowledge-based company in the field of medicine and treatment, by introducing new technology and products. And also, the support of each company to implement the project.

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