The Chemical Agents Detection Kit is designed and built for power in the chemical field. This kit is able to gasify five (5) chemical agents in vapor and gas form, using this kit, power can be determined for the following agents:
- Mustard gas (HD): less than 5.1 minutes (causing blistering agent)
- Phosgene gas (CG): less than 30 seconds (wetting the suffocating agent)
- Hydrogen cyanide gas (AC): less than 30 seconds (rehydration of the blood agent)
- Chlorosinogen (CK) gas: less than 30 seconds (rehydration of the blood factor)
- Sarin or Soman gas (GD/GB): less than 30 earths (making a nerve agent)

This kit is easy to check and accurately describe the results, as well as repair and maintain the device.
This technology is used in the field of chemical accidents in different environments such as air, water, food and equipment.