The self-aid bag of special NBC drugs (MSAK) made in Milad Daru in the event of chemical accidents, including chemical wars or dangers caused by the release of chemical gases in unexpected or biological accidents, some drugs or individual equipment, in the initial conditions can be The person involved in the accident should help. For this purpose, the well-known bag contains special medicines and powders to provide the ability to provide first aid to people during MSAK, which is responsible for individual aid when exposed to a chemical agent.

Special drugs to deal with biological and nuclear chemical agents include: Self-injections: atromil – axomil – cambomil To treat poisoning with nerve agents.
Isoamyl nitrite inhalation ampoule: They are used to treat cyanide poisoning and blood agents.

Decomil powder: for the purpose of decontamination of combat equipment, clothes and weapons.
Decoderm powder: It is used to remove pollution from the skin in case of local pollution.
Promil cream: protection of the skin against the penetration of chemical agents.