NBC protective clothing with gloves of Milad Daru company completely protects the whole body against the penetration of chemical agents, microbes and nuclear dust through the skin. This garment is permeable and allows the body heat and moisture caused by perspiration to leave the garment in the form of steam, and at the same time prevents the entry of microbial and nuclear chemical agents in the form of gas vapor and aerosol.
This dress consists of two main layers:
The upper fabric that has stable water and oil repellency and as the primary protective layer prevents drops and stains from entering the clothes in liquid form.
The second layer is the clothing filter, which can be provided in two types of carbon impregnated foam and carbon fabric.
The advantage of carbon foam is lower price and the advantage of carbon fabric is less thickness and weight but more protection.
How to use protective clothing (NBC)
- Clothing equipment is removed in the cold zone.
- Put on the pants and fasten the shoulder and waist straps.
- Put on the boots and fasten the laces.
- Pull the bottom part of the pants over the boots and fasten them.
- Put on the jacket and fasten its straps.
- Pull the hood completely over the mask and fasten its straps.
- Wear cloth and rubber gloves under the clothes and fasten the cuffs

How to remove protective clothing (NBC)
- Open the straps of hats, clothes and sleeves
- Hold the back of the dress and remove the dress from the front part of the hat
- Turn the bottom edges of the pants and remove the boots.
- Remove the rubber gloves, one from the top and the other from under the glove.
- Loosen the mask straps and remove the mask from the head.
- Untie the pants and fold the pants from the back.
- Take off the cloth gloves, one from the top and the other from the bottom.