Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive accidents (CBRNE) have many consequences and risks for the people of a society. These incidents can happen in different places such as petrochemical plants, nuclear power plants, research centers, hospitals, stadiums, metro stations and busy places. The accident at the Chernobyl power plant in Ukraine, the sarin gas leak in the Tokyo subway, or in recent years, the Covid-19 pandemic, as one of the CBRNE incidents, caused the death of many people in the world. The chlorine gas leak incident in Ahvaz or the Arak petrochemical incident are among the CBRNE incidents in Iran. At the time of CBRNE incidents, the source of the contamination may not be precisely known, and in this case, the possibility of spreading the contamination increases. For this purpose, after identifying the type of agent and the source of contamination, providing timely aid and quarantine to the injured until they reach the medical centers is an effective and vital measure. In order to be prepared and how to deal with such incidents, there is a specific program that specifies the order of activities and tasks of the groups involved in the mission.

Various countries, including Iran, have put comprehensive plans in order to deal with these incidents. One of these programs is equipping special rescue vehicles to deal with these accidents, which play an important role in controlling the initial conditions during accidents. Many rescuers have little knowledge of the type of agent in their first encounters with CBRNE victims. As a result, they may not be careful enough to protect themselves, the lives of the injured, or the spread of field pollution. Therefore, designing, building and upgrading CBRNE equipment in fire engines and ambulances can optimally control the conditions. In fire engines and ambulances, the equipment needed to protect rescuers in the face of CBRNE incidents includes the following:
Special kits and medicines: including medicines, basic medical equipment and special tools for treating the injured and controlling epidemics.
Personal protective equipment: including clothes, masks, glasses and special gloves to prevent direct contact with dangerous substances.
Sampling equipment from the accident environment: including sampling equipment to analyze and identify hazardous substances in the environment.
Accident environment decontamination equipment: tools and chemicals for cleaning and decontamination of the environment caused by dangerous substances.

Transporting infected victims safely to medical centers: including special transport vehicles to transport injured people to medical centers without increasing risks for others. Local equipment and the possibility of quick support: local equipment to support rescue and rescue operations in different environments and special conditions. With its special equipment, this ambulance prevents the contamination of the injured and rescuers. Among its applications, we can point out the immediate transfer of the injured from the accident site, the treatment of patients in case of an epidemic of a biological disease, and the transfer of victims of natural disasters. Milad Daru Company can greatly help the rescuers in dealing with these incidents by upgrading fire engines and ambulances to CBRNE equipment. The CBRNE kit contains 24 essential items, which are mentioned below.
